Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I pick up my motorcycle today

Assuming it doesn't rain.


WoFat said...

Stay away from mountain curves.

Chickenmom said...

Plastic rain gear & tool kit: ALWAYS carry in duffel bag. Wear a good pair of boots, too. Oh, and have fun!

Dave H said...

The worst part of riding in the rain is the loss of road friction. Well, and raindrops hitting your face at 65 MPH. But you have a full face helmet so that's not going to be a problem. (Don't forget gloves though.)

Oh, and when you buy raingear, get a jacket without a hood. I originally cheaped out and bought a hooded rainsuit. Since you can't put the hood up while wearing a helmet, it gets offended and channels rainwater by the pint down the back of your neck.

Eagle said...

Dave H: the hoods on most bike raingear go UNDER the helmet. Sounds wierd... but it really works.