Monday, April 23, 2012

Blogshoot protip

For those of you who are new to the mystical and magical blogshoot scene, it's not all just fun and games and shooting inoffensive fluffy things.  It's fun and games and shooting inanimate inoffensive fluffy things.  If you have a blogshoot, do not - repeat do not - use this for a blogshoot target:

Srlsy.  Just don't.


Dave H said...

Agreed. The Second Amendment won't protect you from that kind of karma.

Walter Zoomie said...

Eff that dumb cat. Mag dump, I say.

Old NFO said...

Unless it's feral, then all bets are off...

RabidAlien said...

Heh. You haven't met my wife's yet.

Anonymous said...

The B27's the HOSTAGE!!!