Thursday, December 29, 2011

Will no one rid me of these meddlesome Constitutional checks and balances?

On this day in 1170, three knights of Henry II Plantagenet cut down Archbishop Thomas à Becket at the high altar in Canterbury Cathedral.  I wrote about how Becket vexed the King with his demands for limits on Royal Authority, and how today's Progressives feel that same vexation (now that the Right Sort Of Person is in the Oval Office, natch).

I'm struck on how this has disappeared down the Emily Latella Media's memory hole, along with Fast And Furious and the violent crime at #OccupyUSA.  It's like they think we don't notice the bias of what's reported, and what isn't.  Of what's a story, and what isn't.

Maybe Instapundit was right - you should always vote for the Republican for President, because then the Media will be zealous in reporting on civil liberties overreach by the Fed.Gov.  It's a little sad that such a simple-minded theory seems to work so well in practice.  I'd hoped that our Intellectual Superiors™ wouldn't be so, well, Middle School obvious.  Well, a guy can hope, can't he?

It's drivel, and drivel of a shockingly low caliber.  I'd like a higher caliber drivel, please.


ASM826 said...

You'll take the drivel provided and like it. This internet free speech thing is going away and we'll return you to the regular programming soon.

Chris said...

Damn. I haven't had the chance to shoot any low-caliber drivel yet. From what you say, though, they're not very accurate. ;-)