Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Look at me!

I've been fighting off a cold, and so crashed pretty early.  The Missus came in to keep me company, and turned on the Idiot Box to channel surf.  The surf cast her up upon the shores of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills".

Oh.  My.  God.

The really astonishing thing is not that this sort of train wreck could get air time.  After all, there are 900 channels to fill, and nature abhors a vacuum.  The astonishing thing is not that these people's lives are so unbelievably messed up.  After all, people choose poorly all the time.

What amazes me is that someone would be so desperate to get on TV that they'd sign a release to air this footage.  I don't get it - these women will have a reputation after this: a reputation for being backbiting, shallow, self-centered bitches.

But hey, I guess they got on TV.  I guess this is why I don't watch TV.


Satanam in computatrum said...

It's enough to make you despair that even this great country can be saved. After all, once the safety net(s) is (are) removed, these idiots, and millions just like them, will face-plant so hard it will shake the earth. And the media will be there with bells on, treating us to months of wall-to-wall context-free coverage of how these poor, poor, pitiful poor people are suffering without Nanny Government to help them. Any hope I might have had of it being otherwise is dashed the moment I contrast the coverage of OWS with that of the Tea Party.

Puts me into a very Captain Capitalism frame of mind. To wit, "Screw it...the needed fix will never be politically feasible, so might as well enjoy the decline..."

But I'm sure that President Romney will make those necessary hard choices, don't you agree?

bluesun said...

My goal in life is to make sure my 15 minutes of fame DON'T get me on the TV. Not sure how that's gonna work out, but it's good to have a goal.

2cents said...

Some people sign releases for their lives to be aired on reality tv and some blog.

Borepatch said...

Satanam, none of these women are what you'd describe as "poor" so when it comes time to tighten the belt, they'll have to make due with a domestic automobile. But I'm sure that the good Captain would recommend large quantities of Rumpleminz.

2cents, you make a good point. Here I wonder about their lack of a sense of dignified privacy, blathering on my blog! ;-)

Brad_in_IL said...


Do a web search for Desparate Housewives of East Boston. Or maybe it's South Boston. Gut-busting funny stuff.

Dave H said...

"...nature abhors a vacuum..."

I don't think nature would miss this stuff. Advertisers abhor dead air though.

I used to think the whining, back-biting, and otherwise unappealing behavior were just the subjects capering for the camera. But as shameless as these performances are (especially off the show, like when they're being interviewed elsewhere) I have to wonder - maybe there's no shame because they consider this behavior normal?

If that's true, I no longer find this world worth saving. Let it burn.

Old NFO said...

900 channels and not a damn thing worth watching...

libertyman said...

Yet another reason not to own a TV.