Friday, February 18, 2011

Once again, I seem not to be a felon

Although now I'm asking for it:

Three different calibers!  And I don't even show the .22 LR - must have a couple or three hundred rounds of that.  ZOMG it's an arsenal ...

What I don't understand is why people in Massachusetts look down on people in Georgia as being not very smart.  Behold your Philosopher Kings' works, ye mighty, and despair!

Funny, how even without a license from the State, and with guns and ammo here in my residence, I still didn't shoot up a school. yesterday  You'd think that the "Common Sense" Gun Control folks just don't want you to have a gun or something.


bluesun said...

But the real question in my mind is--what guns do those rounds belong to?

Anonymous said...

Heh.....Freedom is stronger there in Georgia your saying...????

ASM826 said...

Freedom, even relative freedom, is a heady thing.

Ken said...

They can just behold the Big Dig.