Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The new Brezhnev Doctrine

The Left seems to think there's some sort of Brezhnev Doctrine in place for their programs, that once in place they'll be impossible to repeal.  ObamaCare seems to be the latest of these.  I think that's very wrong regarding ObamaCare in particular, and now that they've voted for it, we'll keep finding out what's in it - at least if the Republicans have two brain cells to rub together.

Forcing the choice of keeping it as the Democrats rammed it through or repealing it in its entirety will put this Brezhnev Doctrine to the test.  Given that ObamaCare is likely to get even more unpopular over the next few years as its mandates and restrictions bite will be a disaster for the Democrats.

Remember the old Brezhnev Doctrine, and how it ended.  Sometimes things aren't like you think they are.


SiGraybeard said...


Is that Photoshop?

Borepatch said...

Graybeard, I used The Gimp instead of Photoshop to add the caption. The picture is unchanged - Brezhnev and Erich Honecker.