Friday, September 24, 2010

Breaking: E.J. Dionne is a Tool

Oh, wait - we already knew that.  He has another clueless screed about the Tea Party up:
The Republican establishment, such as it is, has long depended far more on big money than on troops in the field. In search of new battalions, GOP leaders stoked the tea party, stood largely mute in the face of its more outrageous untruths about Obama -- and now has to defend candidates like O'Donnell and Angle.
The Tea Party is a child of the Republican Establishment.  Riiiiiiiight.

You need to get out of Washington more, E.J.  Man, it sure would be nice if the Left could actually think these days.   Actually what's happening is that E.J. is trying to help his posse, the Democrats.  His only though process is "Republicans are bad, mkay?" Since the Tea Party hurts the Democrats, it's bad - therefore it must be Republican.


It's a bit insulting that he thinks we might be dumb enough for this.  E.J., I don't mind bias so much, as stupid, insulting bias.  In future, please give us a higher quality bias.


Paladin said...

Boy, did he misinterpret whats actually going on, or what?

It warms my heart and comforts me greatly that the Tea Party is continuing to be focused on Principles and Ideals rather than on Candidates or Parties. Candidates and Parties can, and usually will, let you down at some point. If they are your focus, then eventually you find yourself having to justify something stupid that your "guy" does or says when it conflicts with your beliefs.

Granted, it works out that Republicans tend to be closer to the ideals of the Tea Party than Democrats are... but the fact that the Tea Party shows its ire toward Rinos and Republican Political Schmucks when they deserve it - with just as much punch as it does Progressives - is definitely a good thing.

Sabra said...

If my Facebook feed is anything to go by, Democrats are indeed dumb enough to believe it. You should have seen the liberal reaction to Glenn Beck's rally--without, of course, bothering to watch it, the simulcast, or the video on CSPAN's site. They were told it was bad, therefore it was.

Lissa said...

In search of new battalions, Dem leaders stoked the nutroots, stood largely mute in the face of the media's more outrageous hagiographic myths about Obama -- and now has to defend issues like Obamacare and and Porkulus.

There ya go, EJ. Fixed it for you.

Boat Guy said...

Asking E.J Dione to class up his act is only slightly less futile than asking a leftist to argue on basis of fact reason and logic. Waste. Of. Time.

the pistolero said...

E.J. Dionne makes it too damn easy sometimes. In a nutshell: Does it matter what a majority of the electorate supports if they don't get off their asses and vote? That's ultimately the only reason the Tea Partiers wield the influence they do -- they vote. The Tea Party candidates might have gotten the support of a minority of the electorate, but the establishment candidates they beat got the support of an even smaller minority of the electorate.