Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Art of Blogging, Borepatch-style

Sigh. That's pretty much how I do posts. Hits rather close to home, that.


Home on the Range said...

5 am, half a pot of coffee. I sit down and 15-20 minutes later it's either done or I wait for another day.

The muse is fickle but she operates best on caffeine.

It probably shows in my grammar, but it's a nice way to wake up.

So is your blog. I never miss it.

P.S. thanks for all the dog emails, couldn't resist one of my own, on the sidebar.

Paladin said...

Wondermark is a treasure :)

I completely want the last epitaph to be on my headstone - assuming that I have one, of course.

A said...

So in summation is this all about walking the proverbial "Plank", or just about have enough discernible pieces left over for an open casket. lol.....

WoFat said...

As long as it works, it's OK.

bluesun said...

I love that epitaph!