Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Justice in No-Knock raid gone bad?

A little over two years ago, a informant in Atlanta lied to the police, saying that there were drugs in Kathryn Johnston's house. The police executed a "no-knock" raid, during which Mrs. Johnston was shot down.

In the aftermath, the police covered up the fact that there had been no justification for the raid.

Today three members of the Atlanta police were sentenced to prison for the cover up.

So the War On Drugs claims 4 lives: Mrs. Johnston, shot down for a lie; and three officers, corrupted by the War on Drugs to the point that they couldn't see anything but a lie. What a sad, sad waste.

You can learn all you need to know about the War on Drugs by reading the text of the Twenty First Amendment. If you need more than that, check out the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Lord give this Republic the wisdom it had 76 years ago.

Hat tip Tam, in the chat session of Gun Nuts Radio.


Anonymous said...

Maybe this will teach some of the other jackboots not to invade our citizens homes and deprive them of their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

May they rot in jail.

JD said...

Been saying for years that prohibition does not work, did not work and won't work but no one listens.

Some will agree but as soon as you get to what they want outlawed suddenly they think it is a good idea. . .

We continue to fail to learn from history and Obama proves there is no risk we will suddenly learn from it. . . .