Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Attorney General Holder: US is a a "nation of cowards"

Well, now:
Eric Holder, the nation's first black attorney general, said Wednesday the United States was "a nation of cowards" on matters of race, with most Americans avoiding candid discussions of racial issues.
Several things come to mind:

1. What this "we", paleface?

2. The bien pensants will descend on me for using a clearly racist metaphor in 3 .. 2 .. 1 ..

3. Seriously, I believe that the most healing reply to this was Holder's own powerful rebuke to those claiming that a vote for McCain was a vote for racism. Oh, wait ...

4. Eric Holder is a Donkey.

Has their ever been an administration with more rookie mistakes than this one? Ever?

1 comment:

Weer'd Beard said...

So does this mean the administration might do somthing to deal with that uncomfortable racial discrepancy that exists in crime and prison statistics?

....I didn't think so. Big talk tough-guy!